By Lindsay Prose on Thursday, 30 August 2018
Category: Weather Proofing Trees

Don't Let Colder Temperatures Sneak up on You

Fall and winter are just around the corner. It's time for leaves to begin changing color, high school and college football, apple festivals, state fairs and stocking up on firewood. Prepare yourself for colder weather by finding a reputable, local tree cutting service in Ball Ground like Zach's Grading and Tree Removal Services. We save you the hassle of trying to cut wood yourself or trying to find firewood at the last minute when you need it most.

We offer free delivery within 5 miles of our firewood delivery service in Ball Ground and reasonable delivery rates to everyone outside of that range. You can get a 1/2 cord for only $125 and a full cord for just $200. We sell re-purposed, untreated, seasoned hardwood that is safe for fireplaces, fire pits, and wood-burning stoves or grills.

Cooler weather is a great time for friends and family to gather around the fire pit or outdoor fireplace spending time together and enjoying good food. Late summer is the perfect time to stock up on firewood so you'll be ready for those special evenings outdoors or in the event of power outages this winter.

Give us a call today for firewood delivery before cold weather sneaks up on you. Our tree cutting and removal service in Ball Ground allows us access to all different types of wood on a daily basis that we re-purpose for heating and recreational use. You can trust us to deliver only seasoned hardwood, so you can enjoy having a warm and cozy outdoor fire and fun evenings to look forward to this fall and winter.